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Night One
Gee, Andrew Sullivan really liked it. I thought the whole thing was a bit on the banal side, albeit competently so, which I guess is what you're going for at an event like this, but nothing really to write home about. I guess I'm not really interested in pretending that I know what kind of impact decision x or decision y at the convention will have on American politics. And I'm really not interested in the case against George W. Bush, whose broad outlines are, shall we say, something I'm quite familiar with. I'd like to get a sense of where this party is headed after a win or after a lose, but a convention is deliberately designed to cover up the sort of internal tensions that could help a person figure it out. Should be headed to a few peripheral events over the next few days that should shed some light on the situation.
July 27, 2004 | Permalink
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» Convention thoughts from Brayden King
I didn’t get home in time to watch last night’s convention activities, but pained with a nasty sunburn that deprived me of a good night’s sleep, I stayed up and watched the highlights and the entire Bill Clinton speech on CNN later th... [Read More]
Tracked on Jul 27, 2004 1:28:06 PM
Heh, Sully jumped the shark today. I haven't even seen a hardcore partisan leftie half as excited as Sullivan. I watched the whole thing, and don't get it. He's pretending to be in the process of being convinced, when its obvious he went over to the Dems a few months ago. Its pretty funny to watch, as he embarasses himself in the process.
Posted by: Reg | Jul 27, 2004 9:41:51 AM
Nothing about the Big Dog? I'm not even a fan of Clinton's, and I was just blown away. He really is a rock star. On every level, man: rhetoric, delivery, personal stuff, strategy, on and on.
Posted by: pdp | Jul 27, 2004 10:18:25 AM
If Kerry had an ounce of Clinton's shine he would sweep this fall.
Posted by: judson | Jul 27, 2004 11:15:33 AM
Hey, I liked it too. Loved the energy which pulsated through the TV into my living room.
There's some good stuff coming, too. But if it had ended last night, I was fired up and lots of others, I hope. I watched the gray folks on Fox for a bit, with their carping comments. What a contrast! How will the Republicans top this? Well, they'll have Cheney's speech, which should just electrify the crowd.
Posted by: janeboatler | Jul 27, 2004 11:28:22 AM
On the correct thread this time :)
CW is that Gore and Clinton were holding back so as not to outshine the nominee. What I can't quite figure out is why overshadowing the nominee is necessarily a bad thing. What's the reasoning? "Clinton was more attractive than Kerry so I'm voting for Bush?" Not likely, IMO. Kerry could do a lot worse than naving Clinton campaign for him with all stops out.
Posted by: tcb or tcb3 | Jul 27, 2004 11:38:05 AM
Whatever, Reg. Bush could tear up a basketfull of puppies with his bare hands and you'd still vote for the guy.
As for Sully, no doubt he'll change his mind and pronounce Kerry "deeply unfit to govern" or somesuch nonsense.
Posted by: praktike | Jul 27, 2004 11:43:23 AM
It is theatrics, and planning the emotional shape of the event. You want Kerry to be the high point.
Did you ever hear the Mark Twain story about how he was so moved by a preacher he was going to donate a lot of money, but the more the guy spoke the less he was going to donate. Finally, he ended up stealing money from the collection plate.
A good shape is to have a big start, then back off and slowly build towards a bigger ending.
Posted by: Tripp | Jul 27, 2004 12:30:03 PM
with all the praise for clinton's speech i've been reading, i've been wondering why no one's pointed out that it was essentially the same speech he gave at the dem's "unity dinner" sometime earlier this year in DC. maybe it doesn't matter. a great speech, but a repeat for me.
Posted by: brip | Jul 27, 2004 12:50:27 PM
Well, they certainly convinced me. I'm voting for Kerry.
Posted by: George | Jul 27, 2004 5:04:30 PM
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