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Oh. My. God.

Could Liddy Dole have written a speech more calculated to make me despise her? No, she couldn't.

August 31, 2004 | Permalink


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» Meme Time from Discourse.net
William Saletan in Slate:But the important thing isn’t the falsity of the charges, which Republicans continue to repeat despite press reports debunking them. The important thing is that the GOP is trying to quash criticism of the president simply... [Read More]

Tracked on Sep 2, 2004 11:09:48 AM

» Meme Time from Discourse.net
William Saletan in Slate:But the important thing isn’t the falsity of the charges, which Republicans continue to repeat despite press reports debunking them. The important thing is that the GOP is trying to quash criticism of the president simply... [Read More]

Tracked on Sep 2, 2004 3:36:52 PM

» Meme Time from Discourse.net
William Saletan in Slate:But the important thing isn’t the falsity of the charges, which Republicans continue to repeat despite press reports debunking them. The important thing is that the GOP is trying to quash criticism of the president simply... [Read More]

Tracked on Sep 2, 2004 9:53:35 PM

» Gift Basket from Tom Jamme's Blog
Sweet Blessings, a new Christian-based online shop featuring cookie bouquets, candy bouquets and gift baskets, opens with a campaign to donate a portion of all profits to Habitat For Humanity. The devastation of hurricanes Katrina and Rita, while not a... [Read More]

Tracked on Oct 7, 2005 12:34:05 AM

» Gift Basket from Tom Jamme's Blog
Sweet Blessings, a new Christian-based online shop featuring cookie bouquets, candy bouquets and gift baskets, opens with a campaign to donate a portion of all profits to Habitat For Humanity. The devastation of hurricanes Katrina and Rita, while not a... [Read More]

Tracked on Oct 7, 2005 12:36:05 AM


Wanted to slap her, arrgghhh.

Posted by: Sofia | Aug 31, 2004 8:13:36 PM

Look at or listen to their wives, and it quickly becomes apparent why all Republicans are gay.

Posted by: Irfo | Aug 31, 2004 8:18:28 PM

I thought that Liddy Dole had been roundly despised by all sentient life long since. Why did it take you so long to catch on, Matt?

Posted by: marquer | Aug 31, 2004 8:34:07 PM

"And now Bob Dole will read from the Necronomicon." -- C. Montgomery Burns

Posted by: dmm | Aug 31, 2004 9:02:09 PM

Well I can't bear watching the side show on TV so I went to Washingtonpost.com to read the text of Dole's speech. Now I need to vomit. No freedom from religion? Defend marriage, but from what? And, oh yea, 'love your neighbor'. She's another phony politico.

Posted by: DeminGeorgia | Aug 31, 2004 10:55:52 PM

"The last century was known as the "American Century." In a single lifetime, I have seen Americans split the atom, abolish Jim Crow, eliminate the scourge of polio, win the Cold War, plant our flag on the surface of the moon, map the human genetic code, and belatedly recognize the talents of women, minorities, the disabled and others once relegated to the shadows."

Okay, being reasonable, I will let conservative Republicans share credit for winning the Cold War. But really, what else on that list is theirs. Sure many Republicans supported civil rights and many democrats stood in opposition - But haven't virtually everyone in both of those groups SWITCHED PARTIES?!?

Hell, it was even liberals who split the friggin' atom, although we aren't known for bragging about it...

Posted by: Decnavda | Aug 31, 2004 11:12:08 PM



Winthrop, Eliot, Adams or where?
Did you fall into the Charles one to
many times?
I think it's Libby, as in Elizabeth.

Did you really take a class or classes ith John Rawls?

It doesn't show so far. Too many flaws.

And what does that rhyme with?

Time to grow up bro.

Posted by: scott | Aug 31, 2004 11:39:49 PM

It's Liddy, not Libby. Don't like the name? Blame her.

Heard much of her speech on the radio. Had the same reaction as Matt.

Posted by: JJF | Aug 31, 2004 11:46:48 PM

Liddy Dole is a hateful fake bitch. She's Barbara Bush (the senior) with better plastic surgery, and she doesn't give a shit about the state that elected her.

Posted by: ahem | Aug 31, 2004 11:52:02 PM

Listening to Elizabeth Dole characterizing the blessed-by-God, touched-by-an-angel, latter-day Dixiecrats of the GOP? Mmmm, mmmm, good. Can't get no better'n that, can you?

Oh, but wait. How exciting! This just in! Breaking news! An *exclusive* interview with Jesus of Nazareth! Let's go now, live on the floor, to our man on the scene, Wolf Blitzer, with the scoop of the evening! Maybe even of the convention!


[but first, a little pre-tape kibbitzing]

Wolf Blitzer: "So Jesus. Wow. This is really something. What timing, eh? It's been, what . . . 2000 years, right?

Jesus: Well, sorta. 2004, actually, Wolf.

Wolf Blitzer: Oh, of course, that's right.

Jesus: Minus thirty-three.

Wolf Blitzer: God, ooh, sorry, I mean, wow, um, I guess I'm just a little nervous. I mean, this is almost as big as my interview with Donald Trump. Well, I guess it's time, so let's get into it, shall we?"

[cameras rolling, Wolf assumes his polished mien of pure-player pundit professionalism]

Wolf Blitzer: "Tonight, we have a *very* special guest for you. Here on the convention floor with me, coming back to earth after nearly 2,000 years, is *Jesus of Nazareth*!
(pauses grandiloquently and turns smartly to face Jesus, eyes boring in with vacuous concentration)
"Jesus, you are being invoked repeatedly here tonight by the Republicans. Your name is simply *everywhere*. How does it feel to be the man of the hour? Any comments? Oh, and will Hillary run in 2008?"

(Jesus pauses with a simmering mixture of contempt and scorn)

Jesus: "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites."

Wolfman: "Come again, Jesus. I'm, uh, (checking earpiece) not exactly sure I understood that. Would you care to recharacterize that for me, Jesus?"

Jesus: "Yes, maybe I need to update my message, so that even Wolf Blitzer can understand it. Woe to you, mainstream press and followers-of-the-Father-in-name-only, hypocrites."

Wolf Blitzer: [growing grave, almost funereal in tone] "Jesus, tell me: Why do you hate America?"

Posted by: David Richey | Sep 1, 2004 4:46:59 AM

It's the horrifying make-up: creepy and EARNEST.

Posted by: Jeffrey Davis | Sep 1, 2004 9:12:33 AM

I seem to recall an article in "The Nation" that investigated HIV-tainted blood in the Red Cross blood supply during the time Liddy was the head of the organization.

Posted by: Linda | Sep 1, 2004 9:21:52 AM

What do you want - she is a politician. Republican politician. Speaking at the republican convention. To a special part of the Republican base - religious conservatives. Give the old lady a break - she is old enough to be your grandma.

"No freedom from religion" - huh. She would get a standing ovation at an al-Sadr's Mehdi meeting.

Posted by: abb1 | Sep 1, 2004 2:10:02 PM

abb1: She would get a standing ovation at an al-Sadr's Mehdi meeting.

If you were to address the very same group with your opinions on the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, so would you.

Perhaps you two should go on a Shia radical speaking tour of the Mid East.

Posted by: SoCalJustice | Sep 1, 2004 2:27:25 PM

Alright, that wasn't very nice of me. Sorry about that.

At any rate, I hated what I saw of Dole's speech too. Couldn't watch it for more than 45 seconds - it's no surprise the Republicans aren't letting that stuff see the light of Prime Time.

Posted by: SoCalJustice | Sep 1, 2004 2:48:09 PM

Recently I visited the Senate (my first time in DC) and was appalled at Elizabeth Dole. She looks like a mummy her face is pumped up so bad with plastic surgery. She was slinging herself all over the floor flirting like a twenty year old..sick and sick. What's with this silly woman? I voted for this sleazy silly woman. She won't fool me again, Just couldn't believe her appearance, still get goose bumps at her appearance and domineer. She has to be at least 59 or way over running around like a teenager, skirt hiked almost to her butt, just couldn't believe it. What in the heck has she done for North Carolina rather than act like a butt kissing idiot? My fingers are crossed that a conservative Republican will show up ousting her in 2008.

Posted by: Gerry DeWaten | Feb 19, 2005 2:27:37 PM

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