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Expectations Management II
A lot of folks are wondering if I'm kidding about this, but I'm deadly serious -- Bush will have the edge in the debates. The one thing that George W. Bush is really good at is talking in a compelling way about national security and the war on terrorism. All the best-known moments of his presidency have been speeches, full of soaring, grand rhetoric about the goodness of America, the vileness of its foes, and the boldness of his vision of a world transformed by liberty and democracy. And the reality is that he's good at it, and his speechwriter is damn good, too. The problem is that in order to put these lovely texts together, the Bush team needs to depart fairly radically from empirical reality. That makes him a bad president and a bad person, but the texts as such are far superior to the more scrupulous ones that Kerry has on offer. But people would rather listen to what Bush has to say than to what Kerry has to say. Insofar as we have a duel between two brands of speechifying, people will choose Bush. Only reality cuts against Bush. But debates are not about reality, they're about Bush's rhetoric versus Kerry's. And Bush will do very well.
September 21, 2004 | Permalink
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» THE GREAT DEBATES from Anger Management
Matthew Yglesias, no partisan Republican he, thinks Bush has the upper hand in the upcoming presidential debates. Why? The one thing that George W. Bush is really good at is talking in a compelling way about national security and the... [Read More]
Tracked on Sep 21, 2004 11:30:53 AM
» I'm with Matthew from Illruminations
Matthew says "Bush will have the edge in the debates. The one thing that George W. Bush is really good... [Read More]
Tracked on Sep 21, 2004 11:58:25 AM
» Kerry Will Probably Lose The Debates from Lean Left
Kos and Matthew are correct: Kerry is at a seious disadvantage going into the debates. Bush and hsi speech writers... [Read More]
Tracked on Sep 21, 2004 2:06:42 PM
» Kerry Will Probably Lose The Debates from Lean Left
Kos and Matthew are correct: Kerry is at a serious disadvantage going into the debates. Bush and his speech writers... [Read More]
Tracked on Sep 21, 2004 2:20:18 PM
» The expectations game from Another Liberal Blog
The consensus around the blogosphere seems to be that Bush will wipe the floor with Kerry in the debates. From Kos; And no, this isn't an artificial "lowering of expectations" bullshit. I'm genuinely worried about Kerry in the debates. [Read More]
Tracked on Sep 21, 2004 4:19:03 PM
» The expectations game from Another Liberal Blog
The consensus around the blogosphere seems to be that Bush will wipe the floor with Kerry in the debates. From Kos: And no, this isn't an artificial "lowering of expectations" bullshit. I'm genuinely worried about Kerry in the debates. [Read More]
Tracked on Sep 21, 2004 4:20:33 PM
» Play the game from Julie Saltman
Yglesias's point about Bush's advantage in the debates is well taken, but I think he's overly cynical about people's ability to see through the barrage of patriotic platitudes that is a Bush speech. Sure, Bush's style is effective, but he doesn't win... [Read More]
Tracked on Sep 21, 2004 5:06:36 PM
» debate team rejects from the leftorium.com
Well, this is what I read today. Maybe I should read the news myself. Sometimes I do. Sometimes I rely on other people to give me my news. Does that make me a horrible person? No. Presidential Debate Agreement Signed... [Read More]
Tracked on Sep 21, 2004 11:05:04 PM
» debate team rejects from the leftorium.com
Well, this is what I read today. Maybe I should read the news myself. Sometimes I do. Sometimes I rely on other people to give me my news. Does that make me a horrible person? No. Presidential Debate Agreement Signed... [Read More]
Tracked on Sep 21, 2004 11:09:02 PM
» No evidence? No problem! from The H-Bomb
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Tracked on Sep 22, 2004 6:24:02 PM
» debate team rejects from the leftorium.com
Well, this is what I read today. Maybe I should read the news myself. Sometimes I do. Sometimes I rely on other people to give me my news. Does that make me a horrible person? No. Presidential Debate Agreement Signed... [Read More]
Tracked on Sep 23, 2004 3:14:58 PM