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Matt Yglesias: Cheney Apologist
I think I'd better defend Dick Cheney from David Adesnik's scurrilous attacks. Sure Cheney put the point rather impolitely, but "vote for John Kerry and the terrorists will kill you" really is the main message of the Bush campaign and it's a perfectly legitimate issue to raise. Indeed, it strikes me as the issue that ought to be raised. Pace John Edwards there's nothing "un-America" or even inappropriate about it. Cheney is, I think, wrong to say that the Kerry-Edwards team would do a worse job of defending the country against terrorism. Indeed, I think the reverse is true. But this is something to be talked about, not papered over, or implied but not-quite-said.
September 12, 2004 | Permalink
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» What color is the sky in your epistemological sphere? from The H-Bomb
Normally Matthew Yglesias is more reasonable than this: Juan Non-Volokh operating in the other epistemic sphere expresses mock concern for the state of the Kerry campaign: "if the memos at the center of this week's revelations turn out to be [Read More]
Tracked on Sep 12, 2004 10:50:53 PM
» Kerry: I did vote for making terrorism a campaign issue, before I voted against it from The H-Bomb
That's right, Kerry's at it again. I know it is becoming a cliche to call it a flip-flop, but sometimes things sound like cliches simply because they are true. Yesterday, I wrote about the inconsistency between John Edwards' criticism of [Read More]
Tracked on Sep 12, 2004 11:11:43 PM