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How much time can CNN possibly waste wondering what the political impact of Bill Rehnquist's thyroid cancer will be? The answer is, "no one knows, but probably minimal" which is just about the least interesting answer imaginable. And it's in terrible taste. I don't love the guy's judging, but when someone falls ill the right thing to do is wish him well not engage in this morbid speculation.
October 25, 2004 | Permalink
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Daily Kos :: Rehnquist has Thyroid Cancer via MSNBC - Rehnquist hospitalized, treated for thyroid cancer. The man is 80 years old and has just had a tracheotomy. Once done, h most certainly, will be undergoing radiation and chemotherapy. The spin is th... [Read More]
Tracked on Oct 25, 2004 12:58:14 PM
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Tracked on Aug 11, 2006 7:18:20 AM
Hi Matthew,
I disagree. I've seen first-hand how debilitating these kinds of operations can be, especially on someone his age. It is fair to ask if he will be fit to preside over the court in the event recounting and appointment are necessary to decide who will be the next President.
It is not an improper question to ask.
Posted by: Liza Sabater | Oct 25, 2004 12:57:28 PM
Anything that raises the probability that a seat on the Supreme Court will open up sooner rather than later, or that a change in the office of Chief Justice may be imminent, is a legitimate issue for public discussion. If Dick Cheney suffered another heart attack it would be the same thing.
It's not just a horserace question of "wondering about the political impact." It's a genuine campaign issue that deserves discussion on its own merits in the media.
Posted by: Dan Kervick | Oct 25, 2004 1:10:30 PM
The right thing to do is hope that he personally recovers, although he is unable to perform his job. Frankly, I feel no more guilt hoping he can't cut it than I do when wishing Curt Schilling's tendon goes out - that is, none.
Truth be told, it is the Republicans who should hope that he retires immediately, so that Bush can replace him.
Posted by: space | Oct 25, 2004 1:14:10 PM
I suspect the political impact of the Justice's thyroid cancer will be similar to the political impact of Rod Stewart's thyroid cancer (maybe less because Rehnquist won't do as many public service ads re: the importance of checking your neck).
Posted by: Lindsay Beyerstein | Oct 25, 2004 1:17:20 PM
As if Rehnquist was ever fit to be Chief Justice. I see the hand of God in this, albeit a few decades late.
Being infinite and eternal, God is careless about petty details. That's why he destroyed Grand Forks, N.D.instead of San Francisco when he went after the catamites.
Posted by: Zizka | Oct 25, 2004 1:20:44 PM
It is proper to comment about the political ramifications, and proper to wish Rehnquist well, and proper to regard this as the October Surprise that will swing the election.
Anti-abortion voters already were highly motivated. Rehnquist's inevitable retirement highlights the importance of the Supreme Court. Most moderate, apathetic voters would prefer to be able to choose to have abortions rather than have that right removed by the Supreme Court. We should discuss this, and let them know that the right to an abortion is in the balance. Sure, we knew that all along -- but did newly registered or infrequent voters know it?
Rehnquist's illness will motivate people to vote who otherwise might not have bothered. The political impact could be far from "minimal." And it's not in poor taste to speculate about how the health of our leaders will affect us over the next few decades. In fact, it's irresponsible not to discuss the effects of Rehnquist's illness and his resignation sometime in the next four years.
Posted by: Holden L | Oct 25, 2004 1:30:06 PM
can you think of anything more worthwhile for CNN to reporting on? on which they'd be more likely to actually report something worthwhile about it rather than the typical horserace crap?
Posted by: flip | Oct 25, 2004 1:45:19 PM
As October surprises go, this one leaves me underwhelmed.
The democrats should have timed Clinton's heart problems better, though.
Posted by: Jaybird | Oct 25, 2004 2:10:25 PM
Undecideds have proven time and time again that they never think about Judicial appointments when voting for the president.
This will have zero impact on the election.
Posted by: Observer | Oct 25, 2004 2:19:37 PM
As long as these guys are appointed for life, and many abuse this privigilige- there is nothing wrong in speculating about their morbidity.
See Castro, Fidel.
Posted by: David | Oct 25, 2004 2:27:10 PM
The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court has a potentially deadly disease, right on the doorstep of a Presidential election where the Supreme Court - usually a huge issue in elections because of appointments - has been largely neglected by the media because of Iraq, Vietnam, Windsurfing and Lesbians?
Why report on that?
Posted by: SoCalJustice | Oct 25, 2004 2:35:32 PM
It's in poor taste.. but this is pretty important news. I agree.. report it and move on, speculation is stupid at this point. But what do you expect a bunch of incompetent, stupid journalists to do when they have to say something??
Perhaps report on 380 tons of powerful explosives that have been in the hands of terrorists for over a year now?? Maybe try to get Bremer, Rumsfeld, Condi on the record about how this could happen and how this makes Americans safe??
No morbid curiosity is much more relevant.
Posted by: Tim | Oct 25, 2004 2:42:39 PM
Good post Matt. We wish the Chief Justice well and God forbid anything should happen to him.
Posted by: Modern Crusader | Oct 25, 2004 3:29:33 PM
I agree. Rehnquist has a great legal mind, a keen wit, and I wish him a long and healthy RETIREMENT.
Posted by: Richard Bellamy | Oct 25, 2004 3:41:16 PM
I didn't see CNN and I can only guess they treated the topic distastefully. Best wishes to Rehnquist and as Richard says, may he have a long, healthy retirement.
This is a newsworthy story though, not something we should be forbidden to talk about. An opening on the court may happen sooner than anyone expected. Our choice for president will determine the next Chief Justice, if Rehnquist is gone. I don't think this will actually change one person's vote, but it gives me one more reason to want Kerry in the White House.
Sorry if this is in bad taste, but there has already been a fair amount of talk that this election is going to be decided in the courts again, and ultimately in the Supreme Court. If it's an 8-person court, and a 4-4 deadlock, then lower courts rulings may hold. Unlikely to happen, but if this were 2000, and Rehnquist was unable to serve, Al Gore would be president.
Posted by: JJF | Oct 25, 2004 4:39:59 PM
Maybe my taste-o-meter is off, but I wasn't bothered by the fact that John Kerry and John Edwards brought up Mary Cheney's sexual preference, and I'm not bothered by discussions of the political implications of Rehnquist's illness.
You want an important job like Supreme Court Justice or Vice President of the United States?
It comes with the territory. We get to talk about your kids, your health and what either of them mean for the future of our country.
Perhaps I'm in a cranky mood - and I don't want Rehnquist to die - my wishes go out to his family and (almost) any other who has a patriarch with cancer.
He was probably going to retire during the next presidential term anyway, so the media should have been talking about the implications of a Supreme Court appointment (or two, or three) for most of the election season.
They haven't, for the most part, and now here's their golden opportunity.
Tasteless? Maybe. Important? Very.
Posted by: SoCalJustice | Oct 25, 2004 4:46:57 PM
All this piety and propriety is too much for me.
I don't know Rhenquist personally; nor do I know his family. Nor, given the the traditional publicity-shy aloofness of Supreme Court justices do I have in the case of Rhenquist even a light daub of that vicarious, media-driven, pseudo-affection for public figures that people might feel toward someone like Rosie O'Donnell or Reba McIntyre. It thus is beyond my capacity, I'm afraid, to experience any sincere feeling of "best wishes" for either Rhenquist or his family. Nor, for that matter, can I experience a sincere feeling of ill wishes for them.
Posted by: Dan Kervick | Oct 25, 2004 5:36:39 PM
when someone falls ill the right thing to do is wish him well
A good rule of thumb, but I'll still wish Fidel Castro and Yasser Arafat a quick and nasty death.
Posted by: Shelby | Oct 25, 2004 5:59:29 PM
Ah, the 24 hour news cycle. I think you're missing the categorical imperative of the medium. Every time anyone in the DC elite falls ill, it's time to call Sanjay Gupta and fill an hour with useless analysis. The people who produce this filler know it's pointless and somewhat distasteful, but if you can think of something that would take up several hours on a slow Monday, be easily explainable to the public, be totally inoffensive to partisans and produce a surplus of "experts" on the consequences- let's hear it.
Posted by: L Gibson | Oct 25, 2004 6:06:30 PM
If, God forbid, the God Lord were to choose to take Justice Rehnquist to himself (God bless his heart, I mean rehnquist's) -- with thyroid cancer or some even more horrible, painful, lingering disease -- I would be the first send my hearty condolences to his family.
My suggestions above that he might be gay were inappropriate in this grave context. (Not that there's anything wrong with that.)
Posted by: Zizka | Oct 25, 2004 6:38:02 PM
Is there a possibility that Bush can push through another Justice appointment before he crawls home to Texas in January? In the event that Rehnquist resigns in the next few days?
Grrrr. That religious writer the Washington Monthly has inflicted upon Kevin's blog, Amy Sullivan, is on the PBS News Hour right now. She is big on analyzing political speeches for religious code words. Right now she is saying Kerry's use of the phrase "common good" is an example of religious - I'm not sure what - she is tracing its use in Catholic theology. I'm not sure why she irritates me so much. I guess it's because I feel resentful that the Washington Monthly pushed a religious writer into Kevin's blog. And now, a phrase used by Locke, Mills, Keynes and a million other writers is being appropriated by the religious zealots. grrrrr
Posted by: altec | Oct 25, 2004 10:42:55 PM
There's nothing wrong with discussing what happens. Rehnquist has caused a lot of harm over the years -- from his work on the side of Nixon and the McCarthyites in the 50's, to his drive to elevate property and corporate rights over personal and civil rights.
Also, Rehnquist would have to resign before Bush could make an appointment. Bush can't decide to nominate unless there's a vacancy. And even Rehnquist is unlikely to make such a blatently political move just before an election. Any nomination by Bush would have to be approved by the Senate, and I doubt the Senate would or could act before the election.
Posted by: Lisse | Oct 26, 2004 10:33:32 AM
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Posted by: aldox | May 24, 2006 8:40:12 AM
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