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Lessons Learned

Let me heartily endorse Ed Kilgore's analysis of the Democrats and national security policy, but then introduce one major quibble. Kilgore writes:

At an analytical level, John Kerry did a creditable job of handling national security issues, especially towards the end of the campaign when he consistently blasted the administration for an Iraq adventure that distracted from the war on terrorism, essentially adopting the Bob Graham-Wes Clark "right idea, wrong Arabs" approach of opposing the war on national security grounds. But he never achieved the simplicity of the Graham-Clark message, in part because of his own wandering views on Iraq, and in part because the other elements of his national security agenda sounded like a Foreign Service School master's thesis, which a lot of fine detail but little in the way of a clear overarching theme.
Now this is all correct, but it seems to me to call for a little 'fessing up on the part of Democratic Iraq War supporters, particularly those, like our friends at the DLC [NB: I got this wrong too, but I'm happy to admit I was wrong], who argued for the nomination of a pro-war candidate in part on national security grounds. I think Kerry may well have been the best nominee available, because Wes Clark and Howard Dean both had separate problems as candidates, but I think there can be no doubt that Kerry -- and, indeed, the Democratic Party as a whole -- would have been better served by taking the "unnecessary distraction" line from the get-go, looking prescient as the war started to go sour, rather than looking opportunistic. In part, Kerry has no one to blame for this but himself. No one had a brain-controlling chip in his head telling him "vote for the war but issue dissent about the administration's lack of UN authorization." At the same time, this kind of "yes, but..." stance on the war really was urged on Kerry and other Democratic leaders by, among others, the DLC along with other prominent political strategists. In the end, it proved to be a disaster.

Thoroughgoing support for the war combined with critique of its conduct might have worked, and the "national security critique" (as opposed to the "American imperialism is bad" critique) might have worked, but the "we could have gotten away with it, too, if only we'd had UN authorization" line was a logical, moral, and political fiasco. It not only fed perceptions of Kerry as a flip-flopper, but worse gave rise to the notion that Democrats would be making security policy by asking people for permission slips. It's one thing to say that any given war was unwise, but that given some actual threat we wouldn't hesitate to use force, and another thing entirely to say that our view on whether or not force should be used is crucially tied to whether or not France thinks it's okay. In retrospect, it would have been better in some ways for Bush to have gotten a second resolution, but fundamentally that wouldn't have changed the fact that the war was a strategic error. At the same time, faced with a bona fide could reason to invade, the opposition of, say, China isn't really relevant.

December 29, 2004 | Permalink


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» Get a Spine, Kilgore from Liberals Against Terrorism

In comments over on Yglesias, the very smart Dan Kervick slams Ed Kilgore (and by extension the DLC) for this bit of [Read More]

Tracked on Dec 29, 2004 5:40:23 PM

» Wrong Lesson Learned? from Terminus
Matthew Yglesias has posted an interesting critique of the Democrats' election strategy on national security. It's worth reading, and there's a lot of good stuff in there t... [Read More]

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» Never Trust The King With The Army from Kidding On The Square
How John Kerry lost the election really isn't that complicated and dovetails with MY's post on Lessons Learned. [Read More]

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Well, there's another spin on the issue... when you are (hypothetically) balanced between action or inaction in a particular case the opinion of France or Germany might be a relevant factor in a broader analysis of appropriate policy... The policy problem with this "nuanced" position is that it really doesn't apply to Iraq and the political problem is that it is far too complicated to explain.

Posted by: Ravi | Dec 29, 2004 11:18:32 AM

MY, here's an article in TNR which gives a pretty accurate descriptions of the undecideds whom Kerry had problems winning over. They are basically the "Perot voters" - they are isolationists, sort of racist, they thought invading Iraq was a mistake, but they also thought that Kerry's plan to stay in Iraq was bogus because the towel heads are too dumb to be converted to democracy.

These people basically wanted the US to withdraw from Iraq. It is pro-War supporters like yourself who supported a candidate who was against withdrawing from Iraq or at least give a timetable where we would withdraw fairly quickly.

In general, the problem with Democrats is that New Democrats like yourself who support free trade and interventionism have been chosen as candidates for national offices when the Perot voters are isolationists and protectionists. If the Democrats were to embrace a certain amount of both isolationism and protectionism, they would have a lot better chance of winning elections (just look at Fritz Hollings from South Carolina).

Posted by: Dan the Man | Dec 29, 2004 11:26:59 AM

Did Kilgore really write "right idea, wrong Arabs" in his post? I guess the whole "hearts and minds" thing is officially passe.

Posted by: Yuval Rubinstein | Dec 29, 2004 11:45:18 AM

Hey Matt,

I know this blog thing places a premium on speed, but a Harvard education surely taught you the value of editing and proofreading. In the just the last several entries, you've written "could" when you meant "good" and repeated in the same sentence the clause, "in the scheme of things" (adding the modifier, "greater", in one instance). Yeah, I know what you meant, but I usually knows what Bush means, too, and that doesn't make it pretty.

Next to Keats, you're probably the smartest 23 year old I've ever read, but this Kerouac "one draft and out" thing should stop.

Posted by: Richard Yeselson | Dec 29, 2004 11:46:19 AM

With presidential aspirations, it seems obvious now that Kerry, Edwards, and Hillary all cast their war votes to bolster their defense credentials. That's hardly a just reason to go to war. Rove exposed Kerry on this and sufficiently neutered him to win re-election.

As far as the French are concerned, they got the Iraq situation about as close to exactly right as you can get, given the circumstances. Using the same reports and evidence available to the US, French Foreign Minister Dominique de Villepin -- in a speech given before the war to the UN Security Council -- correctly ascertained the already diminished power of Iraq, he identified the convergence of international institutions as the reckoning force that was successfully disarming Iraq, he debunked the Iraq / al Qaeda link, he predicted that innocent families would suffer, he forewarned of the postwar carnage, and he zeroed in on the Bush administration's disingenuous motives for war. You can read de Villepin's speech here, although I suppose we've already determined that reality doesn't count for much.

Posted by: poputonian | Dec 29, 2004 11:47:38 AM

"...the fact that the war was a strategic error."

Screw your facts. Dubya has a man-date that says the strategic error of the war was right all along.

Why else would the issue have been dropped so thoroughly since the election?

Posted by: Grumpy | Dec 29, 2004 12:04:56 PM

The obvious stance with regard to Iraq was that we should send in inspectors. If the inspectors uncovered what we promised they will or were legitimately and materially hampered (if Blix reported he was unable to do his job), then to invade.

Posted by: theCoach | Dec 29, 2004 12:16:42 PM

"... this Kerouac "one draft and out" thing should stop."

Oh bullshit. This is a blog, not a newspaper. I hope you pitched a twenty or two into his begging bowl before you scheduled the extra work.

I don't no about ever bawdy else but I got a fairly soothe Matt filter in place that simply serfs rite over this stuff.

BTW, this analysis seems very well thought out. I am heartened that a mistake, an intellectual botch really (support for the war), could be used as a corrective springboard toward ever more sophisticated views. Well done, Matt.

Posted by: Russell L. Carter | Dec 29, 2004 12:20:54 PM

Yes Kerry would have done better if he'd taken a clearer anti-this-war stance from the beginning. National security would still have been a loser for him though. Who loves you baby? The one who would have invaded just one country to keep you safe, or the one who invaded two? The one who fusses about international consensus and aprs guerre troop levels and stuff, or the one who just does it?

Posted by: Andrew Burrell | Dec 29, 2004 12:43:41 PM

If Ed Kilgore is reading this thread, he should know that crap like this is one reason people dislike the DLC. It's not just their positions on the issues (which I mostly agree with, actually), it's their shitty opportunism. So when they suddenly come out with "in George W. Bush, we had the perfect example of strong-and-wrong" when they spent months arguing that George Bush was strong and right ... my answer is to say "fuck you, get off my bandwagon unless you're going to own up to your own mistakes."

Posted by: praktike | Dec 29, 2004 1:00:18 PM


You are exactly right about this. The Graham-Clark position was the only possible winning one for the Democrats. The "no UN authorization" line was a loser that only fed into perceptions about Kerry and the Democrats that the Republicans wanted to foster.

Posted by: blah | Dec 29, 2004 1:22:01 PM

Wasn't it also Dean's position that the war was an unnecessary distraction, but one that must be fought succesfully nonetheless? There seems to be a concerted effort to shut the door on Dean because of what he represents, not for the actual positions he took.

Posted by: PD Shaw | Dec 29, 2004 2:51:59 PM

Well said (if imperfectly spelled), Matt. FWIW, I made much the same point a couple of weeks ago:


The point I'd add (which I made in the linked post) is that for Democrats to win votes on national security, it's especially important to take a firm stand that the GOP approach *is wrong* -- i.e., that it's actually endangering our national security.

Otherwise, you're just playing me-too, and nothing about that conveys strength.

Posted by: Swopa | Dec 29, 2004 3:26:50 PM

" I think Kerry may well have been the best nominee available, because Wes Clark and Howard Dean both had separate problems as candidates, but I think there can be no doubt that Kerry -- and, indeed, the Democratic Party as a whole -- would have been better served by taking the "unnecessary distraction" line from the get-go, looking prescient as the war started to go sour, rather than looking opportunistic."

As a political matter, there's little reason to believe the "Iraq-was-a-diversion-from-the-war-on-terror" would've played. Indeed, come election day, a majority of Americans (who cast votes at least) believed that Iraq was a part of the war on terror, and as has been repeated ad nauseum elsewhere, national security was the decisive issue in this election (even if the conspiracy theorist wing of the Democratic Party will go on believing the election was stolen, and a certain brand of white, (usually) male Democrat will linger on in their delusion that 'values' cost Kerry the election, and that cultural conservativism mixed with liberal internationalism represents a viable political future for the party.)

It wasn't Kerry's hawkishness that cost him the election, but rather his realism. Unlike Bush, Kerry never presented the American people with the broad outlines of a grand strategy for winning the war on terror (read: democratization) suggesting implicitly instead that at best Islamist terrorism would be some sort of permanent fixture of the international scene, and while it might be contained, its unlikely ever to be defeated. I believe this is nonsense, and despite the train wreck that is Iraq at the present moment, so do I suspect most Americans in their heart of hearts.

There's a time "for every purpose under heaven" - a time for realism, and a time for idealism. Now is the for the latter. The Democrats can "reframe" or substantively change their positions on every imaginable domestic issue but unless they embrace aggressive democracy promotion in the Arab and Muslim world they will remain in the political wilderness for a generation.

Posted by: Scoop Democrat | Dec 29, 2004 5:21:08 PM

What a contrast between Beinart and Kilgore.

At least Beinart and his New Republican colleagues seem to believe in something. They actually seem to grow misty over that ol' Cold War "fighting spirit". They pant for a steamy, bloody national quest to slay the hydra of Islamic Totalitarianism, and spring Strangelovian erections in response to Kennedy-style "pay any price, bear any burden" rhetorical extremism. Beinart wants the Democrats to run at the Republicans from "the right", because that's apparently where he is personally.

But based on the evidence of his essay, one would be hard-pressed to discern any convictions whatsoever at work or play in Kilgore's mind. What is true and what is false, what is right and what is wrong; what combination of policy choices would actually make Americans more secure, and what choices would make them less secure; what are the acceptable costs, material and moral, for purchasing that security; which currently popular American beliefs about national security are accurate, and which are inaccurate - none of these questions seem to interest Kilgore much. He's just trying to discern which way the wind is blowing, and figure out which pandering line might have been the key to the public heart in 2004.

I'm really coming the hate the DLC-dominated national Democratic Party. At least I know what the Republican Party is - it's the party of my enemies. The face the Democratic honchos present is neither the face of a friend nor that of an enemy - it's just the visage of a calculating and neurotic flatterer.

The operatives and leaders who control the party's message seem to dwell in a spiritual and intellectual wasteland, where shallow and puny opportunists scavenge on the rotting carcasses of conventional opinion, or hitch a parasitical ride on the hides of the larger and more vigorous Republican scavengers. No outrage, no fear, no love, no hate, no heart. Fortunately there is more spirit and integrity among rank-and-file Democrats than there is among their directors. There are plenty of Democrats who are more interested in figuring out how to sell what they believe rather than how to believe what they can sell; interested in how to be strong and confident rather than "projecting a strong and confident message".

Posted by: Dan Kervick | Dec 29, 2004 5:22:26 PM

Your post reminded me of something. The two CW criticisms of Bush's *execution* of the Iraq war are 1) not enough troops, + sheer carelessness & lack of preparation 2) should have done it with allies. But, IMO these two are *not* the most important reasons Iraq has turned into such a disaster. The most important mistake the Bush administration made in Iraq was 1) not holding real elections ASAP (July 2003?), and 2) trying to install corrupt puppets, rather than trying to deal with legitimate, trusted Iraqi leaders.

Look at the process by which Hamid Karzai was chosen as the post-Taliban leader of a new Afghanistan. Look at the process by which Chalabi, the IGC and now Allawi were chosen as the post-Saddam leaders of a new Iraq. Compare the results. *That* is the orginal sin of Bush's Iraq intervention, not "not enough troops & allies"

The right viewpoint for liberals on Iraq was not "evil, immoral quagmire", the right viewpoint was "Costly and probably inefficient potential foreign aid project which could do a lot of good with good luck and good management, but also could wind up killing a lot of people with bad luck or bad management." On the whole we have had good, though not outstanding, luck. But we have had, IMO, bad management, with the result that the situation has been slowly deteriorating since May 2003. Hopefully if the Sistani-backed slate comes in after the January elections, the situation will start getting better.

And since this post is about how Democrats should have "handled" Iraq & national security issues in general, here is a long comment regarding that on "Liberals Against Terrorism"

Posted by: roublen vesseau | Dec 29, 2004 6:07:05 PM

Another thought: George Orwell said of WWII, "In the last analysis our only claim to victory is that if we win the war we shall tell fewer lies about it than our adversaries"

The second crucial mistake, in addition to not holding early elections, that Bush made in waging the Iraq war is not establishing the principle that we value the truth and we value human life, even the lives of our enemies, while our enemies don't. Immediately on winning the war, we should have announced the formation of a Truth & Reconciliation committee, dedicated to rigorously accounting for every Iraqi life lost during the war, including Iraqi civilian & combat deaths, as well as every Iraqi killed during Saddam's reign, including the first gulf war. If we had done that, the powerful messages we might have sent to the Iraqi people is "your long national nightmare is over" & "the truth shall set you free". Instead the message we have sent over the past two years is that we don't particularly care how many Iraqis we have to kill, as long as the end result is something we can call a victory. That is of course unfair to the many heroic US troops & comanders who have taken care & great personal risks in order to minimize loss of life in accomplishing the mission, but it is true nonetheless. When we carefully account for US deaths and injuries in Iraq, the message that is sent is that we care about US deaths and that we value each life. When we refuse to release our best estimates of Iraqi deaths on the flimsy grounds that "the enemy might use it for propaganda", what message does that send?

I guess what I'm saying is that the fundamental errors Bush made in executing the Iraq war were not logistical & diplomatic: they were political & moral. And the two key criticisms we Democrats should have been making of Bush's execution of the Iraq war were: 1) we need to hold elections ASAP, & we need to deal with legitimate, trusted Iraqi leaders instead of corrupt puppets 2) we need to show the Iraqi people that we value the truth, and we value all human life, and our enemies don't.

Instead, the two completely ineffectual criticisms that our Democratic leaders made were 1) we need to work more with the UN & our allies 2) Rumsfeld didn't send enough troops. And we need to figure out why our Democratic leaders came up with such ineffective & unpersuasive criticisms, and why they stuck with them for two damn years, even after their ineffectiveness had been demonstrated repeatedly.

Posted by: roublen vesseau | Dec 29, 2004 9:08:30 PM

It's perhaps worth noting that, with hindsight, Clark would have been a better Veep candidate than Edwards. Overall (who knew Swifties would be so effective?), and certainly in the context of this thread.

Posted by: Something Polish | Dec 30, 2004 12:03:42 AM

You fool...

Democratic Party as a whole -- would have been better served by taking the "unnecessary distraction" line from the get-go, looking prescient as the war started to go sour, rather than looking opportunistic

Howard Dean was doing that from the beginning yet you and your cohorts in the DLC were too interested in getting their WAR ON to satisfy the military industrialist funding the DLC.

Or did you not see the millions of folk take to the streets in protest...or were you also windsurfing?

Posted by: parker | Dec 30, 2004 12:13:21 PM

This doesn't seem quite right. Remember that Kerry
had to give his vote way back in October. It was
the existence of a credible threat of force which
led to the readmission of UN inspectors and the
destruction of some actual weapons (medium-range

Any half-sane President would have banked that
as a huge victory, instead of pushing ahead to
war just as it was becoming clear that all our
intelligence was bogus.

So I think Kerry's vote was just fine; the problem
was not finding a good way to explain the
difficulties of dealing with an idiot in the WH.

Posted by: Richard Cownie | Dec 30, 2004 4:56:28 PM

RC - read the first forty or fifty pages of John Bonifaz's Warrior King: The Case For Impeaching George W. Bush. Kerry's vote to delegate to Bush the power to wage war violated the War Powers Clause of the Constitution. As Bonifaz puts it, "In drafting the War Powers Clause of Article 1, Section 8, the framers of the Constitution set out to create a nation that would be nothing like the model established by European monarchies. This is why they made the momentous decision of whether or not to send this nation into war a matter to be decided solely by the people, through their elected representatives in Congress."

Before you say that it was Congress who made the choice for war, consider another example from Bonifaz. He says: "Imagine this: The United States Congress passes a resolution which states: "The President is authorized to levy an income tax on the people of the United States as he determines to be necessary and appropriate in order to pay for subsidies to U.S. oil companies." No amount of legal wrangling could make such a resolution constitutional. Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution grants the power to levy taxes solely to Congress."

The disaster we're in should be sufficient proof of why you don't trust the King with the army. The people have been failed by both parties, and this includes Kerry, Edwards, Hillary, and all the rest who thought it would be a cakewalk to conquer Iraq, and voted on their presidential aspirations instead of their principles.

Posted by: poputonian | Dec 30, 2004 6:20:53 PM


The US Courts have already dealt with the issue. Congress' authorization to use force was a declaration of war.



Posted by: jackson zed | Jan 1, 2005 8:31:17 PM


The US Courts have already dealt with the issue. Congress' authorization to use force was a declaration of war.



Posted by: jackson zed | Jan 1, 2005 8:31:59 PM

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Posted by: john | May 12, 2006 8:35:48 AM

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