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This Fire Is Out of Control
Whether or not you think the untamed fires of freedom are genuinely spreading, there's no doubt that the hype about The Arcade Fire is. Saw them play a show tonight and I was seriously skeptical that they -- or anyone for that matter -- could live up to the hype. But they do. I bought my ticket back in early December at the listed price of $13. Walking over to the 9:30 club, I was offered $60 for it -- a nice $47 profit. Needless to say, I didn't sell. In retrospect, however, if the tickets had gone on sale for $47 in December, I wouldn't have bought one, even though I was happy to incur a $47 opportunity cost to see the show. Similarly, if back before I bought my ticket someone had said, "hey, I'll give you 47 bucks if you promise not to see the Arcade Fire on January 30," I probably would have taken him up on the offer. This is, I think, a typical pattern of preferences, though a highly irrational one in a formal sense.
At any rate, since DC is lame I believe this is near the end of the tour, but if the band happens to be coming to a town near you in the future, definitely check it out. Their album, I think, is very good, though not exactly The Greatest Thing Ever as some have implied. The live show, however, is truly superb, the best I've seen in quite some time.
January 31, 2005 | Permalink
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» The Arcade Fire, 9:30 Club, 1/30/05 from DCist
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Tracked on Jun 29, 2006 7:40:19 PM
Best live show ever: The Reverend Horton Heat.
Posted by: scarshapedstar | Jan 31, 2005 2:00:19 AM
I think the album is fine but nothing special, but i too have heard nothing but raves about the live show....
Posted by: howard | Jan 31, 2005 2:38:57 AM
Sadly I missed the show, but I think the album is pretty great, probably the best thing to come out of the whole neo-post-punk(?) movement of the last couple of years...
Posted by: RC | Jan 31, 2005 7:13:44 AM
I was there last night and thought they were a really phenomenal live act. Also, who would've thought it, but I felt the audience here was much better than they would be in Boston (and that's after four years of regular Middle East/TT's/Roxy attendance). Boston audiences would never sing along like they did during "Rebellion."
It's too bad this album has been so hyped that it's developed that "too cool for school" anti-hype. I think on its own merits it's superb.
Posted by: Paul | Jan 31, 2005 8:21:23 AM
I agree that DC is lame, but I think it might have something to do with the fact that it is a city populated by folks who, in a post about a rock n' roll show, spend more time writing about economic theory than about, you know, music.
Posted by: RHJ | Jan 31, 2005 8:29:04 AM
Best Perfomance I've ever seen:Steve Earle at the 14th street Borders Book Shop leading the crowd in a rousing chorus of "Fuck the FCC"from his new album "The Revolution Starts Now".
Posted by: F | Jan 31, 2005 8:30:56 AM
I forgot to mention that the 14th Street Borders is about one block from the White House.
Posted by: F | Jan 31, 2005 8:34:29 AM
Matt, you're probably thinking of Thaler's work among others in your discussion of how "formally" rational your decision-making is on this. I believe the optimality or lack of it of this kind of processing remains up in the air. What kind of information is being passed by the mere offer, for example? And what is the relationship between your assessment of what you would do and what you would actually do? While decision theory is clearly ground truth, understanding what we are optimizing and why remains very unclear to me, and I find simplistic assessments out of context unconvincing. In other words I think there are good reasons why human beings make decisions the way that they do -- if they seem suboptimal in some way, we need to think about what trade-offs might be operating behind the scenes.
Posted by: larry birnbaum | Jan 31, 2005 8:53:32 AM
At any rate, since DC is lame I believe this is near the end of the tour...
i wont disagree that dc may be lame but do you even have anecdotal evidence that if a band is playing there it signifies the near end of a tour. sounds pretty bogus but then maybe one of your friends who doesnt work at the "liberal" cato institute books concert tours.
Posted by: annoying pedant | Jan 31, 2005 8:58:27 AM
um...if you were offered $60, then your opportunity cost was $60.
The $13 you spent originally is a sunk cost, and is completely irrelevant to calculating your current opportunity cost.
Posted by: ed | Jan 31, 2005 9:52:42 AM
"Similarly, if back before I bought my ticket someone had said, "hey, I'll give you 47 bucks if you promise not to see the Arcade Fire on January 30," I probably would have taken him up on the offer. This is, I think, a typical pattern of preferences, though a highly irrational one in a formal sense."
No. It's not irrational in a formal sense.
Since the costs to you are entirely comprised of denial of pleasure, the costs to you of not planning to go see the show in the first place are far less than the costs to you of interrupting a highly anticipated evening of fun already in progress.
Many folks fall in love with this facile and false comparison, but the two things are fundamentally different.
Posted by: Petey | Jan 31, 2005 11:00:41 AM
A better way of framing opportunity cost in this case is you saw a $60 show for thirteen bucks and ya gotta deal! Or, you're a deeply lawful citizen and shrink from the idea of scalping, an illegal practice in many places. Or you paid $47 for the sadistic pleasure of watching an emo boy beg for your ticket. Or...
I like the philosophy of action/decision theory as much as the next Phil B.A., but don't knock yourself out. You saw a good show and enjoyed the evening beyond your screen.
Posted by: Jasen Johns | Jan 31, 2005 11:19:26 AM
How much do you want for your ticket stub?
Please do not deny me the pleasure of proof to the claim of being there.
Posted by: rickhavoc | Jan 31, 2005 1:39:36 PM
I agree that the album is alright but definitely not the greatest thing ever. The hooks aren't strong enough. Haven't seen them live, sounds like I should if I can.
Posted by: American Citizen | Jan 31, 2005 1:46:07 PM
I've seen them live twice in Milwaukee. The first time, they were opening for a band, the Unicorns, who they have dramatically surpassed in hype and popularity, and I had never heard of them. They got up on stage, all seventy of them, and before I could think "what's up with these Canadian dorks?" they kicked off "Wake Up" and my balls have yet to descend. They came back a few months ago (ten bucks!) and they were awesome again. An amazing live show, no doubt.
Posted by: Matt_C | Jan 31, 2005 2:14:33 PM
Seeing a cool band at the 9:30 club: $13
Showing you're so much cooler than everyone else for catching onto it when you did and getting tickets before they sold out and being able to bost about it on your blog while also ripping on DC's lameness: priceless (which is much more than $60)
Too bad you didn't take a date--then you would have passed up a $120 opportunity cost, which, considering how poorly hill staffers are paid, is probably enough to get you laid ;)
Posted by: flip | Jan 31, 2005 6:00:33 PM
Showing you're so much cooler than everyone else for catching onto it when you did
I saw them a year and a half ago in Montreal opening for Hawksley Workman, rendering me approximately the hippest person of all time. I was actually not blown away, but I suspect they've picked up some stage presence since then (and my own musical taste refined a bit.)
Posted by: Ruth | Jan 31, 2005 6:23:27 PM
Now that's quite a good trackback!
Frankly, last year's greatest thing ever is way better than this year's.
Posted by: Al | Feb 1, 2005 12:07:12 AM
Ooops, meant to refer to the "Bloodless Coup" trackback; for some reason the reference got lost in cyberspace.
Posted by: Al | Feb 1, 2005 12:08:48 AM
Music was ok. They remind me of the Talking Heads.
I'm in a struggling Boston-based band and am currently wondering what is in a band such as The Arcade Fire that makes a record company want to put effort behind them. I suppose I'd have to see them live before making that judgement though.
We lost out to a hardcore band in Battle this weekend. Thats fine and all, but I just didn't get it. The only thing that made them stand out was the drummer had a nasty solo. But other than that, it was typical headbanging, and thats it.
Oh well, woe is we.
Posted by: Adrock | Feb 1, 2005 12:34:04 PM
In New York people were buying tickets for $120, and David Byrne got on stage for the encore Talking Heads cover...
Here in Boston, the crowd was very much into it despite RC's predictions above - the balcony at the Roxy was shaking last night from all the people jumping up and down and singing along - and I'm not counting the drunk girl screaming 'Viva la Canada'...
Posted by: Easter Bunny | Feb 4, 2005 4:32:00 PM
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Posted by: aldox | May 24, 2006 10:10:34 AM
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