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Powerline Wonders When Democrats Will Stop Beating Their Wives
Excellent catch by Apostropher (via Unfogged) as the good people at Powerline invent an allegation against the Senate Democrats out of thin air and then wonder how Dems manage to sink so low.
February 24, 2005 | Permalink
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» They spinnin', cracka, they spinnin'. from apostropher
My goodness. You get a post linked by Atrios, Yglesias, and Unfogged, and the hit counter just flies.... [Read More]
Tracked on Feb 24, 2005 10:45:23 PM
Similarly, you must read PZ Myers' takedown of the Powerline clowns:
They don’t understand how their opinion of evolution is relevant to any assessment of their political stance. There is a sense in which that is correct—if someone honestly says they don’t know enough of the scientific story to be able to judge, I think that would actually speak well of their ability to evaluate evidence. That is not what Hindrocket did, however. He pompously claimed that “the empirical foundations of Darwinism have crumbled under attack by a new generation of biologists, especially microbiologists.” Either he knows better, and he’s lying, or he’s completely ignorant of what biologists say, and he shouldn’t be pretending to have knowledge he lacks. Either way, he’s demonstrating a disgraceful lack of respect for the evidence, and that does call his judgment into question. If I, who have never cracked a lawbook in my life, were to try to tell lawyers how to practice law, and made egregious errors of fact in my claim and even mangled the vocabulary, there’d be no hesitation about deservedly calling me a fool, an idiot, a pretentious poseur…so I’m returning the favor here. Hindrocket doesn’t know biology, period. He’s a fool, an idiot, and a pretentious poseur for acting as if he does.
Posted by: Brad R. | Feb 24, 2005 8:53:12 PM
Someone should run a pool on what type of scandal "Hindrocket" gets mixed up in. My guess is that it will involve soiled adult diapers and Spiro Agnew masks.
Posted by: Give Up | Feb 24, 2005 8:57:30 PM
Matt, they know they're hacks. This just encourages them.
Posted by: Nimoy With A Hammer | Feb 24, 2005 9:02:36 PM
Matt, they know they're hacks. This just encourages them
it's all about the hit count, the shock, the awe, the "look how outspoken and audacious those guys are," the attention. hell, it works for Coulter, it works for Savage, it works for all kinds of assholes. and don't think for a second that exposing them for what they are will hurt them in any way - there's a paying audience for that kind of fecal matter, and they apparently plan to cash in.
Posted by: cleek | Feb 24, 2005 9:17:14 PM
When you want to criticize someone like powerline, could you please do your readers the courtesy of linking directly to the post you're criticizing? Are you hoping we we're too lazy to go to the original so we'll just accept your claims without bothering to verify, or are you too lazy to paste another link?
Posted by: Anton | Feb 24, 2005 9:18:38 PM
They don't *know* they're hacks. They honestly believe that they are the best and brightest and they'll happily tell you so while flaunting their Ivy league credentials.
They will accuse you ad hominen attacks and confusing orthodoxies. Ultimately they just like to call you names and tell you that your IQ is below 50.
They really don't understand that the blogosphere is a "what have you done for me lately" kind of place. Because of CBS and Time Magazine it seems they believe that they have earned the right to preach.
Unfortunately for them, they failed to dazzle us with their christo-conservative brilliance. Now they are simply appalled that they are being mocked.
(Hindraker is taking a sabatical after his clubbing by a little local MN Politics blogger. What a wuss!)
Powerline wanted attention... they got it.
Posted by: def | Feb 24, 2005 9:24:44 PM
Apostrophe stole that post from my diary at DKOS.
Posted by: NewDem | Feb 24, 2005 9:42:58 PM
Powerline and Coulter and Savage and the other far right yahoos serve a useful function for the GOP-- they make the rest of the party look moderate and reasonable by contrast.
Posted by: peter jung | Feb 24, 2005 9:48:25 PM
"***christo-conservative brilliance****"
I think at least one of them is jewish.
Posted by: Robert Brown | Feb 24, 2005 10:02:37 PM
"***(Hindraker is taking a sabatical after his clubbing by a little local MN Politics blogger. What a wuss!)****"
Yeah, I wish he would have stood his ground.
But, the lefties were calling his secretary and harassing her and I know he has a family. I guess I would be a little nervous until I knew what the mob might be capable of.
Posted by: Robert Brown | Feb 24, 2005 10:11:45 PM
Is it just envy? Power Line helped to bring down the Rather-Mapes crew, while you guys keep salivating over James Guckert.
Not exactly a bunch of Woodwards and Bernsteins up in this mug.
Posted by: Toby Petzold | Feb 24, 2005 10:14:07 PM
think at least one of them is jewish.
Revised to "Judeo-Christo-Conservative Brilliance"
My point remains the same. Hindraker'a accusation of religious bigotry directed a bio prof who refuses to write letters of recomendation to students who do not believe in... well... biology qualifies him for any such title you choose.
Posted by: def | Feb 24, 2005 10:16:11 PM
Jesus, quit whining NewDem (here and elsewhere), unless you've got some proof. Lots of people are capable of independently reading Powerline, following two levels of links and concluding that this post is full of shit. It's not brain surgery. The only difficult part is reading Powerline to see it in the first place.
Posted by: anonymous coward | Feb 24, 2005 10:22:48 PM
Yes, NewDem, I stole that post two hours before you wrote it. My timestamps are Eastern time.
Posted by: apostropher | Feb 24, 2005 10:24:16 PM
Hindraker's seceratary was harrased after he went on MSNBC and accused a gay rights activist (and the entire "left") of being anti-gay.
Also, in a delusional moment during the show, he defended Guckert and the White House by saying something to the effect 'What evidence do you have that the White House would have barred a gay escort?"
I don't agree with the resulting abusive phone calls, but to make himself feel better after he got publicly humiliated, he started to abuse several PL commenters via email. It like having a bad day at the office and then going home and kicking your dog. It shows a real lack of balance and maturity.
Posted by: def | Feb 24, 2005 10:27:22 PM
Toby, not only that they helped nail Eason Jordans hide on th wall. Two direct hits on two major news organizations while the lefties are breathing hard chasing some no name reporter for a nothing web site using gay bashing tactices to brimg him down. I can understand why they are seething.
Posted by: Robert Brown | Feb 24, 2005 10:31:07 PM
Actually, I had a nice chat with hindrocket last monday. not that there's anything wrong with that.... but .... hind and his fundie pals are pretty good evidence that darwin's theories don't apply to 100% of the human race. their stance basically says that humans aren't ever going to get any smarter. god help us all.
Posted by: dopey-o | Feb 24, 2005 10:39:44 PM
****"he started to abuse several PL commenters via email"****
PL does not accept comments.
He made an imprudent response (read just like a typical comment on one of the big lefty blogs) to several lefty hate mailers.
Posted by: Robert Brown | Feb 24, 2005 10:40:39 PM
I continue to be amazed by the juvenile triumphalism on the Right over the resignation of Dan Rather and Eason Jordan. Those guys were hardly flaming leftists; they were mainstream newsmen, obedient functionaries in the corporate media machine. It's not like you brought down Noam Chomsky or something. Calm down, already.
Posted by: old grizzly | Feb 24, 2005 10:42:39 PM
Oy, this Powerline obsession again.
Matthew's being a blogging stalker of PowerLine is just what the left needs.
Welcome to Matthew Yglesia's Lee Atwater School of the Politics of Personal Destruction.
I have an idea, why not have three threads for each of the principal roles.
Ooh ooh ooh, I get John H. Hinderaker! I just love SAYING John H. Hinderaker. John H. Hinderaker. John H. Hinderaker. I can copy and paste!
Posted by: epistemology | Feb 24, 2005 10:43:47 PM
Is it just envy? Power Line helped to bring down the Rather-Mapes crew, while you guys keep salivating over James Guckert.
Why don't you guys actually address the point of Matt's post?
Typical RW rhetoric -- if the issue is embarassing, deny it; if that doesn't work, change the subject.
Posted by: ScrewyRabbit | Feb 24, 2005 10:46:28 PM
Old Grizzly:
I continue to be amazed by the juvenile triumphalism on the Right over the resignation of Dan Rather and Eason Jordan. Those guys were hardly flaming leftists; they were mainstream newsmen, obedient functionaries in the corporate media machine.
Forget Rather's and Jordan's politics: they are liars who got exposed. Insofar as their being liars is correlative to their Leftism, they were well served.
Posted by: Toby Petzold | Feb 24, 2005 10:59:44 PM
Forget Rather's and Jordan's politics: they are liars who got exposed. Insofar as their being liars is correlative to their Leftism, they were well served.
Keep avoiding the issue in the post, Toby.
Posted by: ScrewyRabbit | Feb 24, 2005 11:04:10 PM
PL does not accept comments.
Yes, i know. comments are accepted via email and responded incredibily abusively to many rather docile folks. One of them posted Hindraker's rant and then John got all pissy about how it should have been kept private.
Rocketman screwed up and refused to apologize.
For a man who brags about his Harvard Law degree and his employment in the second biggest firm in Minneapolis, he really showed a considerable lack of self control and ethics.
Posted by: def | Feb 24, 2005 11:04:48 PM
Why don't you guys actually address the point of Matt's post?
Okay, so there's not a lot of there there, but so what? Deacon's just thinking out loud, which would be the prerogative of a blogger, right? And from that we're supposed to extrapolate the Democratic leadership's strategery on judicial nominees?
Get serious.
Posted by: Toby Petzold | Feb 24, 2005 11:04:56 PM
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