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The Vision Thing

According to a new Democracy Corps poll the following idea is very popular:

Requiring Congress to forego a pay raise in any year the government runs a deficit or raids the Social Security trust fund, and requiring that any future benefit cuts to Social Security should apply to congressional pensions as well.
42 percent say they would be "much more likely" to support a candidate proposing those things, and 23 percent say they would be "more likely." Sadly, it's a pretty bad idea. Top salaries for civil servants are linked to congressional pay. The result is that when the government needs to hire skilled professionals (lawyers, say, or scientists) they already can't afford to pay anything close to what top practitioners can earn in the private sector. But these government jobs are important, and it's important that they be done well. But, whatever, if you actually had to implement this into legislation you could combine it with something to change the federal employee salary linkage and there'd be no problem. I think it's doubtful that requiring Congress to forego pay raises anytime there's an on-budget deficit would actually accomplish anything deficit-wise, but if that's the sort of wacky populism the people demand then it might be worth offering.

April 22, 2005 | Permalink


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Well, it says "congress" not "civil servants."

But, more generally I'm all for proposing all kinds of bad legislation which has no chance of passing. Sometimes it's simply a useful rhetorical tool to make a point. And, frankly it's what minority parties are good for...

Posted by: Atrios | Apr 22, 2005 7:42:09 PM

As long as we're proposing reforms which will pass when they're ice skating in Hades, I suggest we just pay them a decent hourly rate, like $100 an hour... For every hour they're NOT in session.

I suspect most people would be glad to see them get rich under a scheme like that. I sure would...

Posted by: Brett Bellmore | Apr 22, 2005 8:37:39 PM

How about, if there's a budget deficit, you can't hire a Congressional chaplain. If this was somehow enacted, and the goal was to force fiscal responsibility, you've got to hit a GOP Congress where it lives.

Posted by: Grumpy | Apr 22, 2005 8:52:14 PM

Absolutely, the Democrats should point with SHOCK AND AWE at the size of the budget Bush and his Republican Congressional colleagues enacted and preside over. The waste, the FRAUD, THE ABUSE THE HUMANITY!11!!!!!11

Posted by: epistemology | Apr 22, 2005 10:37:18 PM

Well its not written in stone (or the Constitution) that Congressional pay be the cap on government employee salary. In fact, in most state.s the governor and legislators make far less than other state employees-- university presidents, college football coaches, medical school professors-- wouldn't be the end of the world if the federal government had a similiar situation.

Two other ways to hit incumbent congressman, 1. link payraises to the minimum wage, make it 10% of congressional salaries (would put it at about $8/hr), 2. let congressmen vote from their home districts.

What's sneaky about this is that your average congressman is from a crummy hick town. They really don't want to be home kissing everyone's ass when they can stay in DC and have lobbyists kiss their ass. If congressmen could be in the district full-time, they'd feel obliged to be-- if only because it then hands an issue to any future challeneger.

Posted by: beowulf | Apr 22, 2005 10:54:34 PM

Is it really the case that a congressman relies on his salary for his affluence?

Posted by: Dan | Apr 22, 2005 11:12:06 PM


Posted by: John Emerson | Apr 22, 2005 11:13:30 PM

How about Congress critters must forgo donations to their campaigns from corporations, pacs, etc. until the budget is balanced?

They can only accept personal donations.

Posted by: fightingdem | Apr 22, 2005 11:15:17 PM

Howabout Congress repeals their own pension and retirement plans and is forced to retire solely on Social Security.

Posted by: Al | Apr 22, 2005 11:29:15 PM

Memebers of congress would be free to have their own private retirement pensions/investments, Al. SS is a safety net, not a retirement plan. Dumbass.

Posted by: Drew | Apr 23, 2005 12:01:37 AM

Bold, off! Back in the early 1990s, Dave Barry discussed how electrodes, wiring, voltage, the genitals of congressmen, and the size of the deficit could be arranged so as to reduce the deficit.

Posted by: Julian Elson | Apr 23, 2005 12:12:38 AM

Even better, their salary would go DOWN each year by a percentage equal to the size of the deficit as a proportion of GDP.

Posted by: Mike | Apr 23, 2005 12:48:50 AM

It is problematic to equate private sector salaries with federal government salaries.

First, government salaries are banded, so the worst "lawyers... or scientists" get paid the same as the best.

Second, there are many benefits enjoyed by federal government employees that are not common in the private sector, such as flex time, tele-work, and the ability to leave at 4:30pm to get your kids from soccer.

Third, there are significant career benefits to certain government positions, meaning, many private employers place a lot of value on government experience so people coming out of government service with particular knowledge or experience are quite marketable.

One could argue that government employees should receive generous total compensation to attract the best and brightest in society and to ensure that federal employees are above and beyond temptation due to lack of income. But to increase pay without any provision for individual performance is stupid and a poor use of taxpayer money.

Also, sure, there are some high salaries earned in the private sector. But such high salaries are the exception, not the rule. Ask around. People are probably making less than you would guess these days. It's the sign of the times.

Posted by: hyh | Apr 23, 2005 1:40:30 AM

Also, it's hard to adequately value job security these days. How much of a premium in salary should there be if you have a 50% chance of losing your job in the next 10 years? 5 years? When job security is factored in, government jobs and government salaries start looking pretty good.

Posted by: hyh | Apr 23, 2005 1:43:34 AM

Actually, the members of Congress have better job security than most people, thanks to all these campaign "reforms".

Posted by: Brett Bellmore | Apr 23, 2005 6:49:56 AM

Actually, we could stand to see civil servants held more accountable for their performance. What Congress should do is bust the public employee unions if say, enough citizens seem to want it done. And they can encourage the polling agencies to track "customer satisfaction" with their federal civil servants. Would do wonders to encourage government employees to be more responsive to the people who pay their salaries if they know that we can hold them accountable. If say, we reach consistent thresholds where polls show over 50% dissatisfaction, bust the federal public employees unions.

Posted by: Adam Herman | Apr 23, 2005 6:59:26 AM

but if that's the sort of wacky populism the people demand then it might be worth offering.

Nothing that allows the populace to be complacent in its stupidity or obstinacy ought to be encouraged. There are sound arguments for low salaries, arguments which are complementary to the case for term limits. I don't agree with them, but they aren't stupid. But limiting salaries out of an ill-defined resentment toward 'politicians' is stupid, especially as the practical effects--legislators would become even more the pawns of well-financed special interests--would be mostly unintended.

Posted by: ktheintz | Apr 23, 2005 9:31:06 AM

Screwing aroung with the wages of elected officials is almost always a bad idea. It discourages people who might actually need to rely on those wages from pursuing public office and ensures that elected officials will all be people of independent means (i.e. freakin' rich).

Posted by: Chuchundra | Apr 23, 2005 10:07:43 AM

1. Linking civil servant salaries to those of Congressmen is a stupid idea. There could be independent caps, differently indexed. Indexing Congressional salaries to the minimum wage is my favorite.

2. Congresscritters enjoy a lot of prestige and a number of decent perks. The idea to have congresscritters who are comfortable with a lifestyle available with 130k (what is it now?) per hear -- or even as little as 100k -- has a certain appeal.

3. Linking raises to deficits is probably a bad idea, but a decent idea is to make part of the paychecks connected with a requirement that some independent committee to assert that the ability of the government to pay back the trust funds in full and in due time did not decline. Congress and the Administrations are the fiduciaries of those funds, so this is part of their responsibilities -- say, 20%. And these are our money.

Posted by: piotr | Apr 23, 2005 12:21:26 PM


Remember, unlike the minimum wage, Congressional salaries are pretty much tied to cost of living increases. Their salary is in the neighborhood of $160,000 (last year they got $158,000 and they may have gotten a salary bump at the beginning of this term).

Posted by: beowulf | Apr 23, 2005 2:19:48 PM

"...electrodes, wiring, voltage, the genitals of congressmen, and the size of the deficit could be arranged so as to reduce the deficit."

As appealing as that sounds, I still believe the threat of eliminating the luxury of a Congressional chaplain would be more effective. :)

Posted by: Grumpy | Apr 23, 2005 3:53:42 PM

I think congressional representatives should get a per deim for living expenses and then receive some kind of merit pay with local ajustments. Why should all of them receive the same pay? Some committees are more important than others, some states or congressional districts can afford to pay more than others. Let them compete for the good salaries just like the rest of us do. And of course women representatives should earn only 80% of the pay of a man. That is how it is in the real world. Okay, I was just kidding about that last point.

Posted by: jammypie | Apr 24, 2005 5:08:30 PM

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