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It's The End Of The Blog As We Know It
(And I Feel Fine)
At about 40 months, this site is one of the oldest political blogs on the internet. And in a rather important announcement, it now falls to me to inform you all that it's coming to an end. The site will still physically (or, perhaps, virtually) exist as a useful way for me to store certain things and because there's a chance that it will start up again in the future. But I'm going away for a little Memorial Day Weekend vacation to the Outer Banks in North Carolina and when I return I won't be posting here anymore for the foreseeable future. Instead, I'm going to be joining the team at TPM Cafe which Josh Marshall has been talking about for a while.
A word on how this will work. As Josh was explaining yesterday, the new site will feature a big group blog with a lot of very exciting contributors. I'm not going to be one of them. In addition to the group blog, TPM Cafe will be hosting several additional blogs. One will be a group effort devoted to foreign policy called America Abroad, whose contributors list you can find here. One will be brought to you by the team that did the TPM Bankruptcy Blog, though with its focus expanded somewhat. Another will be my blog, with its same boring eponymous title, its same solo author, and essentially the same content you find here (hence the shutdown of this site).
Roughly speaking, we're talking about the same site with a new URL -- http://www.tpmcafe.com/sections/yglesias -- just don't try and visit it right now or you'll only get the "Coming Soon" page. Nevertheless, some content is already posted and as soon as TPM Cafe opens for business, you'll have posts to read. In addition, as soon as the technical details get worked out, copies of this site's archives are going to be moved over to TPM Cafe which will be convenient for me in a variety of ways and also serves as a token of the sort of continuity between this site and the new one that we're looking for.
On one level, then, very little will change. So why do this? There are several reasons. Most obviously, like guest-blogging on TPM a little while back, it's a chance to get exposure to the broader audience of people who I assume will get sucked into this thing. Most trivially, it's a chance for me to get out from under the burden of running some of the technical and commercial aspects of this enterprise -- I'm a writer, not a web designer or a businessman -- and joining up with the Cafe should lead to better technical implementation with less work. Most profoundly, it's an opportunity to get in on the ground floor of something that could prove to be big; an exciting new sort of media enterprise that involves a lot of excellent people who are, quite frankly, significantly more experienced and more important by conventional standards than I am. Perhaps it will fail, but I think the chances of success are good and if so I'll be very happy to have been a part of it.
What's most important -- and most promising -- for readers in the short term is that TPM Cafe won't just be a bunch of blogs all hosted at the same domain. The technical back-end is driven by Scoop, the program used to build Daily Kos and a few other sites. That means there people who are interested in participating in the enterprise in a more robust way than simply reading it are going to have some much more powerful tools at their disposal. Posts will have comments, like this site, but there will be mechanisms in place that are beyond my capacity to handle alone to police the boards against trolls and generally try to maintain a high level of discussion. There are going to be separate discussion fora apart from the posts. As on Daily Kos, readers will have the opportunity to establish user accounts and start up diaries (i.e., blogs) of their own and contribute to the site. This stuff should all be valuable on its own, but perhaps most importantly can serve to knit the whole enterprise together in terms of the various different kinds of content we'll be hosting.
If you're not in to any of that. If you don't want to read any of the other blogs Josh is putting together, don't want to deal with diaries, etc. you don't have to. If you're a fan of this site and want things to stay the same, you'll just be able to click the URL, read posts, and the only thing different about it will be the design of the page. But I would encourage everyone to look around at the other stuff, and especially encourage the people who've been commenting here to take part in the expanded opportunities TPM Cafe will provide.
Beyond that, I'm still working at The American Prospect, still co-writing Tapped, and generally speaking still doing whatever else it is I do. And spending the weekend at the beach.
May 27, 2005 | Permalink
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(And I Feel Fine):
» MYCafe from Grammar.police
Congratulations to my roommate, who is closing shop at his own blog and opening a new editorial space at Josh Marshall's TPMCafe. Think that involves repainting? Lifting heavy boxes of code? Regardless, may his professional success continue unabated (p... [Read More]
Tracked on May 27, 2005 10:02:39 AM
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Tracked on May 28, 2005 6:30:59 AM
» AROUND THE 'SPHERE from Michelle Malkin
Enjoy... - Yet another liberal talk radio show... this time it's Al Sharpton. Brian Maloney provides background and explains why it will fail. - More dismal ratings for Air America in Boston and San Francisco (scroll to end of post).... [Read More]
Tracked on May 28, 2005 6:32:08 AM
» Matthew Yglesias Takes the Boeing from Outside The Beltway
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Tracked on May 28, 2005 6:32:19 PM
» Cafe Hopping from GregsOpinion.com
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Tracked on May 31, 2005 5:58:53 PM
Good luck! My hope is that your little community of commenters stays roughly the same -- inclucing Al and Bellmore.
Posted by: theCoach | May 27, 2005 9:38:59 AM
Ah, beach weekend can't come too soon . . . except for the dolphins. Congratulations on your new digs!
Posted by: Kriston | May 27, 2005 9:41:02 AM
I feel sad! Good luck.
Posted by: Tim Waligore | May 27, 2005 9:41:54 AM
Wow... I'm in shock. No, really. Well, not really, medically speaking, but I am rather shocked.
Well, best of luck.
Posted by: Julian Elson | May 27, 2005 9:43:50 AM
Yes, many congrats. This is clearly an exciting time to be Matt Yglesias. I'll try to make it over to the new site despite my aversion to logging into stuff.
Posted by: JP | May 27, 2005 9:45:15 AM
Mazeltov, Matt! Sounds great, looking forward to the new site.
Posted by: Haggai | May 27, 2005 9:50:18 AM
Congrats, bon chance, good luck! I'm especially happy to hear that you're not signing on with the TNR crowd, as some rumors had it.
Posted by: sglover | May 27, 2005 9:54:43 AM
Cool, glad to hear it. You've probably thought about this already but if not: Best to shut down comments on this site when you move, otherwise the spammers will take over.
Posted by: Jeremy Osner | May 27, 2005 9:58:02 AM
That's great, Matt! Are they giving you a proofreader, too?
Posted by: strannix | May 27, 2005 9:58:34 AM
You made an understandable decision, but I do wonder about grouping yourself with the DLC crowd. I suspect a fair number of your readers rely on you precisely because they want centrist commentary and can no longer stomach the DLC. I'd miss your insights if you ended up in the DLC tank, too.
Posted by: SomeCallMeTim | May 27, 2005 10:01:51 AM
Oh, and congrats and good luck.
Posted by: SomeCallMeTim | May 27, 2005 10:02:39 AM
I hope you are the only one of the future contributors who already have blogs making the permanant switch. Group Blogs = Lame. Blogs getting to big for their britches is lame as well.
Oh well, good luck Mr. Yglesias.
Posted by: Dustin Ridgeway | May 27, 2005 10:16:39 AM
Your explanation sounds a little like "this week is next week's last week . . ." I'll update my blogroll when I stop scratching my head.
Posted by: clark | May 27, 2005 10:18:00 AM
*checking the date... it's not April 1... and you didn't say you were running off to join the Huffington Post...*
Best of luck!
Posted by: Ethical Werewolf | May 27, 2005 10:21:05 AM
Congrats,Matt. Looks like a very good move.
Sounds kinda like a DLC-sympathetic site to compete with Kos. Maybe that's presumptive. Whatever. I listen to everybody.
Posted by: bob mcmanus | May 27, 2005 10:22:26 AM
what if we think Josh Marshall is a partisan no-nothing who decides the truthfulness of various facts based upon which party's argument they support?
I don't like TPM or TNR, and I really dont know, if I would find myself visiting a "TPM-franschise" blog.
I suspect a fair number of your readers rely on you precisely because they want centrist commentary and can no longer stomach the DLC.
This was a centrist blog? I didnt realize it the whole time I read here. Maybe we have different definitions of centrism. There's nothing bad about the DLC besides its 'uncompromisingly' spineless centrism. I always thought Matt was well too the left of these fools. but then again maybe im just an idiot, which is always a possibility.
Posted by: scott lewis | May 27, 2005 10:25:07 AM
Congratulations Matt. As someone whose been reading and commenting here since the days of the looking straight into the camera picture, well, I have no doubt you'll continue with the talent and insight. Good luck and best wishes.
Posted by: SamAm | May 27, 2005 10:30:20 AM
wow. congratulations! and i look forward to a possible ping pong rematch this weekend.
Posted by: catherine | May 27, 2005 10:31:23 AM
Please make sure you have a separate RSS feed, ok?
Posted by: jnfr | May 27, 2005 10:34:14 AM
What's most important -- and most promising -- for readers in the short term is that TPM Cafe won't just be a bunch of blogs all hosted at the same domain.
Hrmm. After reading the foreign policy intro Josh posted the other day (lawyers and poli sci and government guys oh, my! So rare!) I have this sinking feeling that TPM is inadvertantly building a titanium-reinforced echo chamber. Think NRO. Blogs go cable! (advert) Blogs can now get you the same level of lowest common denominator idiocy as cable TV at half the cost! Except with more choices, such as the social climbing hack channel, the Slave Droolers of the RNC channel, the 'We have no clue' DNC channel and the 'What the fuck was that?' DLC channel! So many choices! So much fresh, honest, NOW NOW NOW information, absolutely spin-free! (/advert)
Anyways, I have this sinking feeling.
That said,
Most profoundly, it's an opportunity to get in on the ground floor of something that could prove to be big; an exciting new sort of media enterprise that involves a lot of excellent people who are, quite frankly, significantly more experienced and more important by conventional standards than I am.
Ayup. And I'm happy for ya, and I hope it works out nicely for ya with like cash and babes and shaving commercials and stuff. Just remember, fake tits aren't really worth the hassle. And don't let the old people push you around, dude, no matter how many blackberries they have.
Anyways, tho, now that you're all rich and successful and shit, I ain't gonna send you no money for your birthday, particularly since I didn't get as much as I thought I was goin' to. Instead, I'm sending books!
WTF is your PO(B) address?
['Email address above works if that's classified or something.']
Posted by: ash | May 27, 2005 10:36:32 AM
Are we still going to get the sex, drugs, basketball, Wire and vampire execution posts? Or will you now be too cool and important for that. Have fun at the Beach. Try to get some good real southern food while you're down there.
Posted by: flip | May 27, 2005 10:37:05 AM
Mixed feelings.
I do love Josh, and I am looking forward to TPMCafe...
But this place had such a very nice vibe.
And it won't be quite the same over there.
Ah, progress. First they fence in Washington Square, and now this.
Posted by: Petey | May 27, 2005 10:51:34 AM
Congrats Matt... what flip said. Most importantly, don't loose the typ0s!
Posted by: RC | May 27, 2005 10:52:20 AM
flip's question is the most important. If we lose vampire execution posts, this will have been a bad move, at least from this reader/commenter's perspective. If we gain more such posts, because Matthew doesn't have to deal with technical crap, then it will be good.
Posted by: Al | May 27, 2005 10:55:52 AM
Phew! Much better than moving to the "just to the left of center and enjoying the Sistah Souljah part of that" TNR.
TPMCafe has more than zero DLCers, but it's not like they're all a bunch of Ralph Hall clones, and there are some good further-to-the-left types on the roster. I have no good explanation for what Michael Lind is doing on that list.
I hope America Abroad does not absorb and destroy Democracy Arsenal, which is already doing some good work.
Posted by: Electoral Math | May 27, 2005 10:58:39 AM
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