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Hump My Tunnel

Everybody (but me, that is) hates "My Humps." But everyone loves the Arcade Fire. So everyone needs to go check out Stereogum's Black Eye Peas / Arcade Fire mashup, "Hump My Tunnel."

Via Adrienne.

December 15, 2005 | Permalink


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» Hump Song from Can I Get A What What
I cannot express enough how much I hate that song. Not dislike - HATE. No problem you say - just don't listen to it - did I mention that my husband LOVES the song and will play it just to [Read More]

Tracked on Dec 20, 2005 10:16:34 AM


First of all, that just sounds way to naughty.

Second of all, I dislike "My Humps", but I too fail to see how it qualifies for "worst song ever". Perhaps it qualifies for "worst song ever to win a grammy nomination", but I'm sure we can hop in the wayback machine and find something worse.

Posted by: Nicholas Beaudrot | Dec 15, 2005 11:37:41 AM


Posted by: tom | Dec 15, 2005 12:42:03 PM

Just read your meth post on tapped and no place to comment there, so here goes

Everything you wanted to know about meth:


(yes, most of it does come from Mexico, but many states have had success in combatting local meth labs by restricting purchase of pseudoephedrine at drugstores).

Posted by: Yo | Dec 15, 2005 1:29:20 PM

It might be the worst song ever if we exempt the 80's from consideration.

My lovely little lumps. Come on! This is the kind of song that makes a person reconsider opposing capital punishment on moral grounds.

Posted by: Aaron S. Veenstra | Dec 15, 2005 4:01:48 PM

i am amused. and traumatized.


Posted by: Tom Strong | Dec 15, 2005 4:38:10 PM

This mashup is terrible. On a technical levels, the rhythms of the two pieces don't actually match up particularly well (Rather like that Jay-Z/Weezer's Buddy Holly mash up) until the chorus of "Tunnels" comes along. But the words still don't sync particularly with the background music. Their playing around with slightly different time signatures and rhythms.

And her speaking pitch doesn't really match the verse's melody of Tunnels.

Matt, what's happened to you! You were the one who turned me on to the whole 99 Luft Problems thing!

Posted by: isaac | Dec 15, 2005 4:48:15 PM

Thanks Isaac. Otherwise I might have been tepted to lose the distinction of never having heard MH (a distinction I prize on lyrical grounds) and possibly ruin an Arcade Fire tune, all b/c Matt just had to tap into the part of my brain that might be sickly compelled to view a train wreck. Now I can just pretnd I never saw this blogpost. :)

Posted by: Saheli | Dec 15, 2005 8:05:00 PM

The person who made this mashup is going to hell forever.

Posted by: Iron Lungfish | Dec 17, 2005 10:19:59 PM

Truly, we live in a time of darkness

Posted by: justin | Dec 18, 2005 4:23:26 PM

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