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Everyone's all upset about the NBA playoff-seeding rules in light of the impending Dallas-San Antonio clash in the second round. I agree that the status quo is problematic. Most people seem to think they should alter the seeding formula, but I think the league's impulse to try and make winning the division meaningful is correct. It's good to establish goals short of winning a championship for teams to try and achieve and maintain fan interest. What I would do is follow the NFL model and change the regular season schedule around to make the divisions more distinct.

February 21, 2006 | Permalink


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"I think the league's impulse to try and make winning the division meaningful is correct. It's good to establish goals short of winning a championship for teams to try and achieve and maintain fan interest."

Well, given the sensible modification they're planning on making, winning a division with a lousy record would still result in getting a good seed. Denver under the modified formula would get the #4 instead of the number #3. Makes sense to me.


1 Dallas
2 Phoenix
3 Denver
4 San Antonio


1 Dallas
2 San Antonio
3 Phoenix
4 Denver

Winning a division would still guarantee a top 4 seed. Denver would be ranked 7th without any division winning benefit.


By pushing weak division winners into the 1-4-5-8 bracket, rather than the 2-3-6-7 bracket they're currently in, the modified setup would give addition advantage to the #1 seed. In the current setup, the #1 seed usually will have a more difficult road than the #2 seed, which is loony.

Posted by: Petey | Feb 22, 2006 12:24:24 AM

I agree that the status quo is problematic. Most people seem to think they should alter the seeding formula, but I think the league's impulse to try and make winning the division meaningful is correct.

Posted by: Shellback | Feb 22, 2006 7:23:23 AM

Denver is going to be ranked 7th?

Posted by: Poker Heaven | Feb 22, 2006 7:24:39 AM

Rumors flying of a possible Frye for Garnett deal...

Posted by: Petey | Feb 22, 2006 9:56:44 AM

Petey, what's the modification you're referring to? That the 3rd division winner would be guaranteed no lower than the 4th seed, but that the top 4 seeds would then be determined by record?

Posted by: Haggai | Feb 22, 2006 10:01:21 AM

"Petey, what's the modification you're referring to? That the 3rd division winner would be guaranteed no lower than the 4th seed, but that the top 4 seeds would then be determined by record?"

Yup. That's where the league is supposedly heading. Makes sense to me.

The three division winners and the best non-division winning record comprise the top 4 seeds, with rankings within the top 4 done by record.

The problem I have with the current setup is that the #1 seed will usually have a harder road than the #2 seed, and the bandied about modification would fix that.

Posted by: Petey | Feb 22, 2006 10:17:30 AM

That's what the NHL does; you get a top seed for winning the division, but you play an unbalanced schedule that emphaszies your division,

Posted by: Scott Lemieux | Feb 22, 2006 11:06:31 AM

The problem I have with the current setup is that the #1 seed will usually have a harder road than the #2 seed, and the bandied about modification would fix that.

I'm not sure I see the "usually."

Posted by: SomeCallMeTim | Feb 22, 2006 11:55:54 AM

I'm not sure I see the "usually."

Depends on whether the 3rd division winner or top wild card has a better record...

I agree with the consensus that maintaining some advantage for winning your division is good for fan interest, and the proposed fix (seeding the three division winners and top wild card) according to record seems to make sense.

Posted by: Al | Feb 22, 2006 12:12:17 PM

Gawd, the Knicks are totally screwed. Unless they get rid of Starbury, in which case they'll be screwed, but not totally screwed.

Posted by: SomeCallMeTim | Feb 22, 2006 3:31:53 PM

I think Isiah is still an undercover agent for Detroit. (In whispers the Pistons front office refer to him as "Agent Bad Boy".) He's secretly trying to destroy the Knicks forever. And, dammit, he's succeeding!

Posted by: DJ Ninja | Feb 22, 2006 4:05:58 PM

My only explanation is that Isiah is trying to give Larry Brown a heart attack.

Posted by: Carlos | Feb 22, 2006 4:33:20 PM

OK, so Matthew's point with the Jalen Rose trade made sense: you can let Davis's contract expire this year or Rose's nexet year - no real difference to the Knicks wither way. But now they pick up Franchise's contract, which has three more years. So it's clear that I.T. ain't playing the "let's get rid of contracts and get payroll down to a managable level sometime this century" game at all. Well, it's Dolan's money...

Posted by: Al | Feb 22, 2006 6:27:41 PM

ya know, i've got nothing against wanting the playoff seedings to make sense, but really, matthew, howzabout we let them play the remainder of the season before we start talking about pending second-round clashes. Tim Duncan or Dirk Nowitzki break a leg today, nothing's pending at all....

PS. haggai/al: didja see chelsea-barcelona?

Posted by: howard | Feb 22, 2006 6:28:43 PM

since the francis trade has come up, i can only assume that in some corner of his mind, isaih thinks that francis-marbury-crawfordd = thomas-dumars-johnson.

assumes incorrectly, of course....

Posted by: howard | Feb 22, 2006 6:29:56 PM

I grew up loving Isiah. His was the game I wanted most. (No such luck.) This just makes me sad. It's like seeing a hero of your youth in his old age, peeing on himself.

Posted by: SomeCallMeTim | Feb 22, 2006 7:05:02 PM

"I'm not sure I see the "usually."

Pretty simple math shows that the top wild card should have a better record than the third division winner 62% of the time. Thus, "usually".

Posted by: Petey | Feb 23, 2006 1:08:04 AM

PS. haggai/al: didja see chelsea-barcelona?

Saw it via TiVo last night. The game was pretty flat, I thought, until Del Horno was redcarded (and the red was completely bogus, IMO). After that, it really picked up. Surprisingly, Chelsea really played well for 15-20 minutes after the card, and I thought had a chance of taking the game, or at least getting a tie. And Ronaldinho wasn't really into the game at all... until his free kick that Terry got the OG on. After that, Barca just dominated, as you'd expect them to playing 11 on 10. What I don't understand is why Chelsea continued to try to attack, especially after they scored. Morinho should have tried to pack in the defense. But he was right in what he said - they got screwed by a bad call.

The similarities are a bit eerie - a bad red card sends a Chelsea player off. Barca goes on and wins the first leg 2-1. Have we seen this before? Of course, the difference is that last time Chelsea played the second leg at home, whereas now they have to go to the Nou Camp. Good luck!

Posted by: Al | Feb 23, 2006 1:15:22 PM

al, finally caught up with this comment of yours: i'd say you and i watched the same match!

too bad drogba didn't collect that second goal for chelsea around - what was it? minute 70 or so? - would have made a tremendous difference of course.

uphill struggle for chelsea now: i'd say barcelona comes out this remaining the top choice to go all the way (i certainly expected more out of juventus, for instance, than they showed)....

Posted by: howard | Feb 23, 2006 6:10:02 PM

PS: good match commentaries here:


and here:


Posted by: howard | Feb 23, 2006 6:12:55 PM

"I think Isiah is still an undercover agent for Detroit."


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Posted by: Macuilxochitl | May 23, 2006 8:08:13 PM

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